Sunday, June 18, 2051

Hi! My name is Salnave Blanc Jr. but most people know me as simply Bobby. This is my first attempt at blogging. I hope to encourage you and share what God has done through the ministry that He has given me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just wanted to give you a quick look at the t-shirts that are available to purchase. The purchase price is $10 a piece for all sizes except 2XL and 3XL shirts are $12.

All proceeds go toward the work that is being done in Haiti. You can contact Miss Vicki at: or 304-488-7713 for details.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Second meeting

The second meeting of the Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach was held on June 28. Bobby began the meeting by sharing Matthew 25:40 - "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' The driving force of this outreach is to share Jesus through meeting the needs of the people in Haiti, specifically the Terre-Noire and surrounding communities through the establishment of a school, clinic, trade school, and church.

Bobby confirmed the trip to Haiti on August 12-26. The cost of the trip will be $1500. Each person that would like to go on the trip is responsible for raising/providing their funding.

A car wash fundraiser for materials needed while on the trip has been scheduled for Saturday,
August 7, 2010 at Wendys in Vienna, WV starting at 9am and ending whenever cars stop coming in to be washed. Please spread the word and come to support what God is doing in Haiti through this outreach.

Bobby also shared a little bit more about the conditions in Haiti. Haiti is about 11,00 square miles (equal to the size of Maryland). The people are only getting assistance from the Christian based groups. The officials in the country do not assist the people at all. They have no basic health care and the daily wage is about $2 per day. The need there is very great and the efforts made through this outreach and only through the power of God will change lives in Haiti for eternity.

The next meeting for the MOVHO is scheduled for July 26 at 5:30 pm at the Belpre library in the meeting room on Washington Blvd. If you or anyone you know is interested in being part of this life changing outreach, please contact Contact Miss Vicki Boggs at or 304-488-7713 for more details.

First Meeting Update

The first meeting of the Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach was on June 19. In that meeting, Bobby explained the great need and his passionate vision for what God wants to accomplish there.

The school mentioned in the previous post has the potential to teach 400 students at a time. There are currently 104 students enrolled and three actually reside on the premise. One of the most important areas of need is the completion of the roof on the school. The cost needed to complete this project is $10,000. Bobby is planning on returning to Haiti every three (3) months if possible to follow up on the progress and evaluate what is most needed. His next trip is tentatively planned for August 12-26. If you or anyone is interested in going, please contact Bobby at and he will give you more information. During his trip in mid August, Bobby is planning on building benches for the children to sit on.

There is also a need to establish a church for the people in the area surrounding the school. Prayer is performed at the school and the Bible is taught, but there is no church for the people to worship and support each other spiritually.

The next step for the MOVHO is to begin raising funds and sponsoring children in the Terre-Noire community. There are many ways you can help or ask someone to help the outreach. Contact Miss Vicki Boggs at or 304-488-7713 for more details.

1. You can purchase a t-shirt with the MOVHO logo (above) for $10 a piece ($12 for 2XL and 3XL)

2. Fund raise to assist in the purchase of materials and supplies for the trips to Haiti at least every three months.

3. Recruit people that are interested in making trips to Haiti to assist in meeting immediate needs and promote the MOVHO to other civic organizations, congregations, individuals, etc.

4. Help with designing and distributing brochures/flyers that provide contact information, history, and summary of this outreach.

5. Give a donation of $120 enables a child to have uniforms, school supplies, and a meal once a week for an entire year. The donation can be a one time gift, or it can be divided into different installment payments. The emphasis is on the importance of making the commitment and diligently paying the funds for a child consistently.

If you are interested in getting involved, please don't hesitate to contact those listed above.

Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach

God gave Bobby's sister a vision and dream for a school in Terre-Noire, Haiti. She has worked endless hours with God's help to make that dream a reality. Bobby joined her efforts nine years ago by assisting in getting the school established in that community. God has used him to bring together a group of people that believe in the vision that God has give he and his family and formed the Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach.

The vision includes building a school (Foyer des Archanges or House of the Arc angels) that will be transformed into an orphanage with a clinic and trade school included. These ministries are designed to build relationships with the people as we share the good news of the Gospel with them. The school is located in Terre-Noire, Haiti. That community is next to "Cite Soleil" which is one of the most neglected areas of Port-au-Prince.

As many of you know, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake in January of 2010. As a result, much of the work that had been done to the school was destroyed. Bobby made a trip back to Haiti in June 2010 to assist with building a few temporary tents to accommodate for the rainy season until the repair to the school is done.

The posts on this blog will keep you updated on the progress of the vision in Haiti and the discussions that occur during the MOVHO meetings. Stay tuned for more updates.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 2010 Trip

Here are some pictures from my trip to Haiti in June 2010.