Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach

God gave Bobby's sister a vision and dream for a school in Terre-Noire, Haiti. She has worked endless hours with God's help to make that dream a reality. Bobby joined her efforts nine years ago by assisting in getting the school established in that community. God has used him to bring together a group of people that believe in the vision that God has give he and his family and formed the Mid Ohio Valley Haiti Outreach.

The vision includes building a school (Foyer des Archanges or House of the Arc angels) that will be transformed into an orphanage with a clinic and trade school included. These ministries are designed to build relationships with the people as we share the good news of the Gospel with them. The school is located in Terre-Noire, Haiti. That community is next to "Cite Soleil" which is one of the most neglected areas of Port-au-Prince.

As many of you know, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake in January of 2010. As a result, much of the work that had been done to the school was destroyed. Bobby made a trip back to Haiti in June 2010 to assist with building a few temporary tents to accommodate for the rainy season until the repair to the school is done.

The posts on this blog will keep you updated on the progress of the vision in Haiti and the discussions that occur during the MOVHO meetings. Stay tuned for more updates.

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